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       As you must know, I am an AdVENTURE student.  The purpose of this site is to tell you about what it is like at AdVENTURE and what to expect.  To be an AdVENTURE student, you must be able to use technology responsibly, use 21st century skills, and follow certain expectations from the teachers and staff.  AdVENTURE is a very educating school since everyone there wants to learn.  In my opinion, AdVENTURE is a very fun school because of the constant projects and hands-on activities. 

What It Means To Be In AdVENTURE

 At AdVENTURE, technology is very important.  One form of technology that we use are computers.  These computers need to be carried with two hands to our seat and then must remain flat on the table.  If the rules are broken, then the specific person's computer will be taken away for one day.  Our assigned computers impact our learning greatly because without them, we could not search the web for the unexplainable and wouldn't be able to go on educational websites. 

     In AdVENTURE, 21st century skills are important.  Some examples of 21st century skills are: adaptability, collaboration, and creativity.  Adaptability is needed for quick changes and decisions.  Collaboration is needed for working together in pairs or groups, or else you would get nothing done.  Creativity is needed because without it, everyone's work would be the same, which means that there would not be a point in grading, presentations, or being proud.

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     One thing to know about AdVENTURE is the staff's expectations.  The staff expect you to be respectful, responsible, and safe.  SLANT (AKA: Sit up, Listen, Ask and Answer questions, Nod your head, and Track the speaker) is something necessary that you learn at the begining of the year and is related to respect.  To be considered responsible,  the teachers expect you to keep track of your work and handle things by yourself.  To be safe, staff expect you to not make any pyhsical contact with your piers, do not bring potential weapons, and do not behave violently with others.


        AdVENTURE has allowed me to enhance my skills on the computer.  It has also taught me many things past my grade level in almost all my classes.  In math and science, I have learned valuable lessons and have recieved high scores on my tests. In conclusion, Adventure represents exactly what the name STEM says: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  


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