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          For globaloria, we played a game everyday which was based off of fuedalism.  It was to show how life was like before, and to understand the system.  The game was called "Stronghold 2" which later, we had to write an essay to explain what went on. I kept failing, since the opponent was strong and I didn't think thoroughly.  The other assignment that was related to this was a "Glog".  We had to explain what went on, like the essay, but instead, included pictures and other designs.

          I think that this shows persistence.  I kept failing, but didn't give up.  I had to play many times, since I died, my kingdom hated me, or I didn't have enough materials.  Also, when I finally got it, I decided to build a huge army, which took a long time, to defeat the opponent.  This is my best work because I was able to work freely and creatively to finish, and was able to overachieve in the process.


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